Friday Knight & Day

Like most Fridays I was ready to go out and do something by about 5pm. Luckily it was movie night and there were a couple things out that I didn't mind seeing. One of them being Knight & Day. I was curious because the previews showed that the movie would be hilarious and despite the actors, though I do like many of their movies, I decided that it would be worth seeing. My family agreed and so we saw it.

The movie was indeed hilarious! The whole premise of the movie was far more interesting than a simple, yet crazy, spy gone rogue tormenting a woman because he simply liked her. There was truth to his words and he did everything he could to keep her safe. Even if that meant drugging her. The first time he did this was so that she would wake up after the plane crash in her apartment. He took it a little too far, though by the way she handled all the stress of being shot at and people falling dead all around her he justified drugging her a couple more times to protect her from herself. Going on 1 instead of 3 was just one of her many freak out moments. LOL. She had to have slept through most of her adventures and the parts where she was being shot at, all the long traveling, and even parachuting from a plane that was falling from the sky! She got revenge in the end though. It was indeed a hilarious movie.

The plot behind it was that he and his partner were assigned to this eccentric scientist kid who invented a prototype for the first infinite power source since the sun. His partner betrayed him, making him look like he snapped and went rogue trying to sell the battery to the highest bidder, when in fact that was his plan. With all the action and sharp wit this movie was certainly worth watching and made my Friday night.

As for all my other little adventures, there weren't many. I'm moving at a practically nonexistent pace when it comes to my portfolio, which I need to fix. I haven't gotten to my other web spaces or blogs. I have, however, read about four books over the summer break so far! I'm gonna finish my last book before I start the Vampire Diaries today or tomorrow. :D At least I have that. And a ton of new music.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

My First Adventures of Summer

Well my Summer Blog is finally up and running! With just a few tweaks left on the appearance I couldn't wait to get started blogging... I forgot how long it takes to get a blog up and running and looking just the way you want. I should probably have started working on it way back during midterms but this was a last minute idea.

I know that this blog should have been up and running on my first day of Summer vacation but I had to get it up and running first. I was also a little obsessed with reading. ("Just a little") Anywho now that it is up and running I suppose there's some catching up to do...
Well my first day of vacation wasn't much of a vacation. I did admit, though, that I had a lot of fun hanging with my roomies. I wish we had more days like that before we left for vacation. Two of my roomies are moving out, and have probably already moved out. It's very depressing but I'm trying not to think about it. Better to face it when I get back to the apartment at the beginning of the new quarter. I just pray that the new roomies are nice. Anywho... we went to Cici's for lunch and then did some shopping. Took a trip to a place I didn't know existed but glad I do now, MovieStop. Found some really good movies there. Though I didn't buy anything there were some major good deals that my other roommate took advantage of. Next time I'm looking for hard-to-find movies I know where I'm going. Then it was off to the mall. I had to resist because I had already overindulged myself due to the stress level this quarter. I like to do little things to help me feel better in times of stress, go out to lunch, get dessert, you know little things. Well they added up a little too much, or at least I didn't want them to, so I had to learn to master my use of self control that day. It was hard. In the extreme. But I did have fun hanging out with my two roomies. I pray we can stay close even if we don't live together anymore. I definitely want to find time to hang out more. I need a social life. I guess that's a hazard of being a web designer. Anyways... I'm beginning to babble.

The next day of my vacation was spent waiting in line for about three hours to see the new Harry Potter section in Islands of Adventure. This wasn't to get into the park. This was its own separate line inside the park. Let me just say that Harry Potter Land, or as it is properly called the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, was a big disappointment. Huge. For starters it only takes up a little corner of the park. For another it's just what that section used to be only it looks different and has an addition of one new ride. Which had an additional wait of two hours. After three hours I did not feel like waiting any longer just to ride one ride. The new ride looks neat though... I hear it's supposed to be like Soarin' at Epcot, that was really cool. ;) Anyways, getting off track. There were just way too many people there, also, to actually enjoy it and look around at all the new deco they added to the place. There were lines just to get into the stores. People had one of everything, like they needed these "collector's items" or they would die. The only good thing about the day was that everyone wanted to see Harry Potter so there was almost no wait at all the rides. That is of course if the rides worked.

After viewing the disappointment that is Harry Potter Land we then ate lunch. The sun was evil that day so by then I was exhausted and starving, not to mention on fire. The day just didn't have much luck in it. Rip Ride Rockit was broken by the time we got to the other side and the wait for the Mummy was about an hour. The one ride we want to ride, let alone are able to ride, and it has the biggest lines. I was just really looking forward to that day and it died right before my eyes. I was ready to go home around 2pm which is sad. Normally we leave around 5pm. At least I had a little bit of fun though. I would have hated it if the entire day was ruined.

The third day, of course, was Father's Day. Like any Sunday I went to church. I enjoyed the lesson and the sermon, and loved being back home. LOL, the part that made my day was when one of our Sunday school teachers made a gesture that looked like a dog scratching at his fleas. LOL. That was epic. He was also very hyper that day. Although he's always like that. LOL, anywho. Later that day we had steak, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. Yum. I felt bad though cuz I had to sign a card my sister picked out. Normally I get my own gift and card but I wasn't able to do either on account of all the stress, lack of time due to finals, and the fact that I didn't remember until the last minute. It was a bad end to the quarter but at least it ended. I was uber rushed.

Monday rolled around and by the fourth day I was so ready to just read all day. That's exactly what I did. Sunday I had finished the end to Confessor, which was a little disappointing but it was an all around great book. I finally finished the Sword of Truth series!! I immediately began to read Tempted, the next book in the House of Night series. I read for an hour and made it about half way through the book! I finished completely late Monday night. I don't think I've read that fast in my life (I'm sure I have sometime long ago but not recently)! I'm now about a quarter of the way into Burned, another House of Night novel. I'm so glad I waited to read these two books because Tempted ended horribly! I forgot that the authors liked to end at a climax and boy death makes for one horrible climax! The main character none the less!

As far as major adventures go, that's all I have to tell for now. I found a frog in my room yesterday. LOL, I had to save it from my cat who came in at the wrong moment and got all stalkery. It was a big frog too! I wonder how it managed to find its way into my room? So basically I've been recording Chuck episodes, unsuccessfully catching up on my portfolio, which I'm way behind on, reading, blogging, and redesigning my web spaces as well as resting and relaxing. I have a lot on my schedule to deal with. To top it off I want to help out at the Summer Reading Program this year. I felt lazy for not going at all last year and very disappointed. I want to get out of the house every once and a while. I almost went insane and over-relaxed last summer. I didn't think it was possible but believe me, it's SO possible.

My future plans thus far for minor summer adventures include my movie blog which I hope to revamp and extend, my myyearbook, myspace, and facebook pages that will be completely redesigned (well as redesigned as I can get them), new music I plan on getting which I will post at a later date, grow my collection of TV series and movies, as well as update some blogs and maybe my portfolio site. This may not seem like a lot but believe me, IT IS. I look forward to posting some more exciting adventures.

Oh wait! Speaking of exciting... just a little minor adventure. My dog, M&M, has been a real pain today. He barks at the tiniest of things. I was eating and began watching a suspenseful episode of Lie To Me, which happened to be about a serial killer, and he started barking at the front door. Well there was someone there but I couldn't see who it was and by the time I felt safe enough to look there was no trace of who was there. After that I jumped at every bark. He was so mean! He even plopped himself right in front of me with his chin on my knee begging for food and would randomly look behind my at nothing. He was totally freaking me out. I just thought I would share this random bit of nothingness. I tend to babble which oddly makes for good reading. Sometimes. Don't hesitate to comment on my nothingness. I hope to update this blog as the Summer continues and post some very interesting adventures and beyond random thoughts.

Stay tuned to the adventures of my random summer. Peace. Out.