Let's Try This Again

Well the first day of my summer vacation didn't turn out like I thought it would. Of, course, it was also depressing because my roomie was moving out. Luckily my other roomie was moving to my room so I don't have to worry about living with someone new. At least not in my room anyways. I have lost two more roomies... so depressing.

Anywho... The day started off with me sleeping in. I had watched a movie with my roomie and was up until 2am. Which wasn't a good idea since I had done an all-nighter the previous night which made my sick. After only an 1hr and 20min of sleep the day before I shouldn't have stayed up so late so soon. But I did want to hang with my roomie before I left. She'll be graduating this upcoming quarter. Depressing.

Then I went to BK with my roomie that's moving out. It was delicious. I wish we could have done more but she had to finish homework before class. Still had fun even if it was brief. I then took her to school and picked my other roomie up. We went to Rita's for gelattis. It was delicious and this time they finally had root beer.

Unfortunately, by the time I took her back to school, got gas, and then got back to the apartment it only left me an hour to pack. I was supposed to see Green Lantern with the family but I would have had to have left by 4. I didn't end up leaving until 7pm. Which means I didn't get home til LATE.

But I'm finally home and ready for relaxation. I slept in til 11am. I guess my body needed to recharge after the past couple days. Can't wait to watch Green Lantern, read, get new music, get new movies, redesign and update some web sites and blogs, and get a new haircut. Among other things. It's gonna be a long summer since my summer to-do list goes on, and on, and on... But there's a bunch of fun stuff in there so I think I'll be able to make a dent, however small, this summer in my never-ending to-do list. Wish me luck! Hopefully this summer I'll be able to keep up better with this blog. I plan on it anyways. It's on my list!

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.


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