Superhero Saturday

Defying the rumors that I had heard, Green Lantern was awesome! The story line was interesting despite the method they used to switch between the villain and the hero. The special effects were great despite the fact that some of them were overdone (often looking fake). I'm not too picky about that though. The mask still bothered me! (My sister mentioned that the reason it bothered her was the fact that it extended to the tip of his nose. I looked closely and it is rather an odd thing for a mask to do!) I wish they hadn't used it altogether. He should have just had glowing eyes or the mask should have been more Venetian in shape. Still loved the movie though despite its few flaws. Wow I say despite a lot. Can't wait for the next one! Sometimes I'm glad I wasn't that into the comic versions of all these Marvel or comic book movies. I'm not as easily disappointed like their many die-hard fans.

As for the rest of my day, I spent most of it looking for this cute little robot who loves photography, Danbo. I now have a database of pictures of him on my computer. In fact, I love him so much that I decided to share his pics on this blog site! I spent the rest of the day updating this blog. During that time I added a new section to the sidebar with a Flickr widget I found. It's connected to the ❤ Danbo Love ❤ group's Flickr Feed.

All day I kept saying that I would break and play World Of Goo but I never did. I kept getting sidetracked. I was, however, able to catch up on some TV shows. I slept in really late. I guess my body had to make up for the past couple days' lack of sleep. Finals were brutal.

Overall it was a more productive day than I had originally intended. I wanted to read for most of it but that didn't happen. I still need to finish unpacking. Otherwise, it's good to be home. I've missed my dog-dog. My m-m. M&M sure does emit one foul odor though. I don't know how that dog does it... I don't think I want to know either.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.


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