Kicked My Day In The Butt

Well today I woke up a little earlier than I wanted. My dad took me out to breakfast, Ihop. Delicioso is all I can say. The only bad thing was that eating so much food so early in the morning made me extremely tired for the rest of the day. I watched Kick-Ass when I got home. It was pretty good but not as good as everyone kept telling me. I think it was all the gore. I don't know. Or maybe I was just expecting it to be so much more. It's definitely not my favorite movie.

I still didn't get into my routine, which makes me mad. I wasted yet another day. I got caught up in a solution for a new design for my movie blog. I wanted to try a gallery view. It's being difficult but I'm halfway there. That took, up the majority of my day. The rest of the day I went to pick up Courtney. Worked on some more coding, and then tried to watch The Nines. I thought it would be better. It wasn't able to capture my attention. I had to switch movies, and I'm one of those people who have to finish a movie even if I don't like it. I hope to try again later. It sounded really interesting. I ended up watching Step Up 3. Music was amazazing! I loved that movie. It could have been better, and definitely wasn't as good as the others but I have to admit that I loved it.

After that it was Nine Lives of Cloe King. Now it was definitely not something that I expected. It was so much more! I loved it!!! It's now officially one of my favorite shows. I like how original the storyline is. I didn't want it to end and when it did I wanted to see the next episode immediately. I want to read the book now, so I can get ahead of the TV show and see what happens next. My sister has recently bought the book and I'm contemplating stealing it from her. LOL. JK I'll be reading it immediately after her though.

Now here I am wondering what happened to my day. I had so much planned. I hope to get my schedule worked out tomorrow and get caught up with these blog posts. Maybe begin my workout schedule and plan out the rest of my week. I have lots to do. Maybe more than I can fit in my 3 week break. We'll see. I'm certainly gonna try.

By the way, it just so happens to be the first day of summer. yay. Hot days in the blistering heat. woohoo.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.


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