Super Amazing

I had another mishap with my alarm and slept in late. Not as late as I did two days ago, but I slept late enough to regret it. I've been pretty tired all day. I wasted away the morning looking at different links and trailers on the web. I was supposed to be completing more of my blog but I got distracted. I wanted to see when Haven came on, and that led to me looking for other summer shows, which led to sneak peeks at this fall's new shows. There are some pretty awesome shows coming out this year. Here's a list of some that I plan on watching (click the titles to see the trailers).

I especially can't wait for the ones centered on fairy tales. I don't know what it is about fantasy and fairy tales but I just can't get enough of them!

I went out to eat with my mom and sis, and was supposed to see Super 8 then, but we had to wait for my dad. Everyone had already seen it but me so I didn't see why we had to wait but it was totally worth it. Super 8 was amazing! I can't believe anyone would say anything bad about that movie! I was surprised at how little the alien was in the movie, but the comedy the kids provided, their dumb actions throughout the film (especially with the spasmodic stoner) were hilarious and my favorite parts of the movie. Their film was a hoot, though I think that with the pyromaniac on their team the explosion could have been so much cooler. The end was pretty good. I was a little mad that they made the alien out to be a bad guy, killing and eating people, and in the end a kid was able to get through to it. It just brings up conflicting emotions. I want to hate it because it ate people, relatives and friends, but at the same time I felt sorry for it because it was just a cornered creature longing for escape and home. I don't know. The rest of the movie was awesome.

In between eating out and watching the movie I saw the season premiere of Falling Skies with my sis. I don't know what to think of the show. It reminds me of Skyline mixed with War of the Worlds and a couple of other alien movies. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure how it is going to do as a series. I'm not confident in its ability to hold my attention for that long. V certainly didn't, despite my sporadic longing to catch up with the show. I think I'm gonna complete my night with Teen Wolf and posting some to this blog, and then go to bed. I plan on making plans tomorrow and starting my summer routine. Maybe even watching Green Hornet. ;D

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.


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