Just Another Dreary/Exciting Day

Well today was pretty good, all things considered. If it were any other day I wouldn't have said so as I was lacking in sleep, groggy, and not in the mood for the weather that came about today. Plus it was hot out and my feet hurt from all the walking from today and yesterday. We went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. It was pretty fun, as usual. I have come to the conclusion, however, that I can't ride the new Harry Potter ride anymore. My motion sickness keeps getting the better of me and ruins the rest of my day (yet another reason why today shouldn't have been that great).

My dad, for some reason, appears to be cursed today. We woke up early so that we could get ponchos before we left. My dad ended up forgetting his phone and the backpack full of drinks. We had to go back and get them after getting the ponchos, and yet he still forgot his phone. Luckily he didn't forget the tickets. Not to mention the fact that, once again, when we finally got to ride Rip Ride Rockit, it started to pour as we got to the front and we got soaked. I will never do that again. It wasn't as bad, nor as painful, as the last time I rode it in the rain, but I still hated it. The song I picked was good though, the one by Kanye West.

We also rode other various rides like the Mummy and Dragon Challenge. We even had our usual lunch, mine was the Bacon Cheesburger with fries and a pickle spear. It was so good! We also had ice cream, I had swirl soft-served with a waffle cone. The restaurant where we usually eat ice cream was packed! It took us like 15 minutes to find a table. We were lucky. Every time someone got up someone else quickly replaced them.

After ice cream we left for home. We were all pretty tired out from the day before, and the weather didn't help. We stopped off at Target on the way home and got both Red Riding Hood and The Adjustment Bureau on DVD. We watched them both before we all called it a day.

I was finally able to finish Beastly! I must say that it was totally different from the movie. I still like the movie a lot (possibly better than the book). It was more like the traditional story of Beauty and the Beast. He was transformed into the traditional beast with hair all over his body, fangs and claws. He dropped two petals before giving Lindy the rose so he had 2 years to find true love instead of 1, because of his one act of kindness. There was a magic mirror that showed him anything he wanted to see. There was a lot of allusions to literature found throughout the story like The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Jane Eyre. He sulked in the attic of his five story building for about a year after accidentally attacking a girl at a Halloween party, breaking her arm I believe. He got into the habit of people watching from the window up there on the fifth floor. Also at the end he yelled out her name like Edward did in Jane Eyre. She ended up yelling his name also. She ended up being in danger in the end after she left him so he had to rush out into the open to save her. It was more violent and gruesome than the movie. There was actual bloodshed (worse than the shooting found in the movie). And, the one thing I didn't particularly care for, Magda the maid turned out to be Kendra the witch. There was this cool thing where because Kyle (Adrian in the book as he changed his name) wished Magda could be reunited with her family Kendra was also freed from a punishment, a curse of being a servant to a bratty and cruel child. All in all it was a good read. I was in a rush, however, since I've become obsessed with The Nine Lives of Cloe King. I've started reading it and must say it's totally different from the TV series. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Yet.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

A Day At Flagler

Today started off miserably. The only reason for it was that I had to wake up at 4:20am. We had to leave by 5:20am to get to Flagler College in time to find a parking spot. Once we got to St. Augustine we ate breakfast at McDonald's. It was delicious and the first time in forever that I had breakfast there. I had a Sausage Egg McMuffin, a hashbrown, and a small Mocha Frappe. It was sooooo good. Then we got to campus and after a couple of times driving in circles we found the parking lot for the orientation. Then we made our way over to the Student Learning Center.

Once there, since we were kind of early, I got to read more of Beastly. I was determined to finish that book today as Courtney had just gotten The Nine Lives of Cloe King, was almost finished with it, and said that I could read it after her.

Once the orientation began we split up, me going with Courtney for student orientation and my parents going to the parent orientation. Once there we started playing Apples to Apples. This is a really fun game that I hope to get for the apartment. I think it would be fun at slumber parties and stuff. It's a lot like charades, sort of. You get 7 red cards. All the red cards have words on them, nouns including names of peoples, places, and things. There is always a judge, someone who goes to the front of the room (in this case) and draws a green card. This card has an adjective on it. We were supposed to introduce our selves and use the game to get to know one another. Luckily, when I ended up being judge I did not get in trouble and later found out that I wasn't the only one taking the student orientation ride instead of the parent one. Anyways... the judge reads the adjective and the definition to the group. Then everyone chooses one of their cards that they feel best fits the word. It is best to choose the wackiest one. Everyone discards that card and draws a new red card. Once all have discarded the judge reads the choices aloud. They then pick the best choice and the person who discarded the chosen card gets to become the judge, take a green card with them when they're done, and is next to introduce themselves. Whoever has the most green cards at the end wins. We didn't get to that extent. By the time we had to stop there were four people with more than 2 green cards. There was a semi finals and final round of Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine the winner, which just so happened to be Courtney! She won a red, cheesy pair of Flagler sun glasses.

After that we took a tour of the different student housing buildings. Ponce de Leon Hall was by far the coolest. I was jealous cuz the rooms were really cool and slightly bigger than my own student housing room, even the doubles. We then got situated with the general things like picking a room, signing up for a micro-fridge, and getting her student ID. There were also student group sign-ups, and mobile Internet connection information stations there but Courtney didn't want or need to do either so... We were finally off to lunch and it was time to regroup with the parents.

We had gotten to the dining hall earlier than the parents and made our way over to the shorter sandwich line. We are stilled amazed with the cereal dispensers. lol. They make omlets, grilled sandwiches, subs, and different pastas and stir-fries along with different drinks and a soda fountain (all unlimited/all-you-can-eat). That was only one section of the dining hall. They also had a salad bar, and a buffet with hot things like pork roast with cranberry filling and mac-n-cheese (among other things). It was awesome. I only had a plate of homemade potato chips which I shared with my sis and a couple of Root Beers. We met with our parents and discussed everything we saw and did. Then we split up again and waited until our group reconvened. The buildings there are amazing, fyi.

Then we took a tour of the campus visiting some of the administrative buildings, classrooms, and library. We heard a couple of lectures from people in each place. Then we finished in a lecture hall which has those awesome slidey desks, and Courtney got her schedule. Unfortunately she has a class almost every morning but I think she's excited about it. It's more like what she's used to and it will give her plenty of time in the afternoon to do homework.

Then I really got to read as our parents waited in long lines and went to several different places to do financial stuff and last minute errands. We finally finished, unfortunately is was at the estimated time of 5pm. This thing took all day and, of course, we still had a 2 hour car ride back home. It was dreary most of the day and the sky finally opened up, with roaring thunder and eerily close looking lightning strikes, just after our last stop, so the trip home wasn't as pleasant as we had hoped. We did, however, get fries and sodas for the trip home. I slept all the way back from as well as to Flagler.

When we got home we vegged out, and I got to read some more. I finished off the day with Night Watch. It was the first foreign film I was actually interested in watching all the way through. It was Russian with English subtitles and narration. I really liked it. The filming techniques used were pretty cool, like the oscillating focus. The story line is what had originally caught my attention and was so interesting that I now want to read the book series the film trilogy is based on. I didn't like how it ended but that was mainly because none of the other movies are available on Netflix. I wanted to keep watching them. I love how I didn't see the end coming. It was one of those supernatural mind-benders where everything ties together in the end, even things you didn't think were relevant. I look forward to continuing the film trilogy with the next film Day Watch. I am going to try to get to bed early since we have big plans for tomorrow. It was quite a long, yet still exciting, and somewhat depressing day as my sis prepares for her new life in college. *sniffle*

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

Mexican Holiday

Well my second day at the Summer Reading Program had a late start. I didn't leave when I had originally planned. I wanted to print out some coupons for later. ;D I got to the library just in time for the crowd of kids from the day care. This year the Bethel/Fresh Start group was split up into two groups, the older kids and the younger kids, so that they weren't as chaotic as usual. It actually wasn't that bad. The routine was the same as the first day, since there are two days for kids to sign up for classes, so the game, craft, and snack were all the same as my first day.

I left before the second class since my mom mentioned we could use my limited coupon for Tijuana Flats for lunch. I drove all the way out to the mall to get nachos and a cookie dough flauta but it was totally worth it. I made it back in time for the lunch break. That was my lunch and dinner and boy was it delicioso. I couldn't believe that after all the nachos I was still able to eat my portion of the cookie dough flauta! It was too good to wait for.

After the third class of the day I got to make my own ojos de dios. I made one for me and one for my roomie. Shhhhh! It's a surprise. ;D

After that I went home. I watched some more movies, as usual. Princess and The Frog was funny and really cute! And then I spent the rest of the night reading more of Beastly.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

I Miss Summer Reading

My first official day at the Summer Reading Program, and man it was hectic. I had forgotten how much I love volunteering, how much I miss the library and the Summer Reading Program. I also realized how tired I've become. I've lost a lot of the energy that I used to have for the summer. Anywho... The craft was making ojos de dios which are these cool necklaces made of colorful yarn wrapped around two sticks glued together. The whole thing creates this cool web, kind of like a dream-catcher only less intricate. The snack was a basic tortilla scoopable chip with a block of cheese melted in it.

The game, one of my least favorites, was Wolf and Rabbit. It's a tag game. There's a square on the ground, a beach ball (or in this case a blowup globe), one wolf, and a whole bunch of rabbits (all animals are kids in case you were wondering). The rabbits have to stay within the square and are able to run around, and they have to stay away from the wolf. The wolf begins with dribbling the ball, in order to move around, and has to hit the rabbits with the ball, in turn making them wolves. Then the dribbling stops, there's no running with the ball, and the wolves pass the ball back and forth, creating more wolves as they go. The wolves have the ability to leave the square and have the ability to run with the ball outside of it.

This game, as it is quite obvious, is not a good game to play with little kids. The older groups are fine, and the teen volunteers can even join in, but the younger groups are chaotic. We had one of those today. It was the Boys and Girls Club group. They liked to screech just for the fun of it. My ears are still ringing. They also didn't quite get the concept of the game, but they did better than the second group which somehow managed to have more and more rabbits every time Mrs. Ryan counted hands (which should have been the opposite). The last class, the Boys and Girls Club group, had to have been hyped up on sugar, on something. Maybe it was the prospect of dirt pudding cups. I don't know, but they tried to take down some of the volunteers! Literally. They were dragging them to the ground, tugging at their clothes. One girl was even found at the bottom of a dog pile a couple of times. They were that rambunctious. It was a hoot! LOL. I Intend to go tomorrow as well. Another day care. I've heard they were really rambunctious on book bag day. *Fingers crossed*

Lunch was pretty good. The librarians ordered from a new honey ham shop that sells sandwiches. It wasn't that bad and I was able to get two pickle spears and a Mountain Dew. All in all, it was good.

As for the rest of my day I finally got to see the Green Hornet again and now own it. I took a brief nap after since I was close to falling asleep during the movie. Then I worked some more on this blog, and watched another movie. Ten Inch Hero was amazing! Jensen Ackles was in it and he was a hoot! My favorite character from the movie. There was this one scene when he went to the grocery store, intending to buy supplies for the sandwich shop which happened to need tampons for the womens bathroom. He just stood there in the aisle panicking! He ends up calling a co-worker frantically about which ones to get. It was hilarious!

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

Kicked My Day In The Butt

Well today I woke up a little earlier than I wanted. My dad took me out to breakfast, Ihop. Delicioso is all I can say. The only bad thing was that eating so much food so early in the morning made me extremely tired for the rest of the day. I watched Kick-Ass when I got home. It was pretty good but not as good as everyone kept telling me. I think it was all the gore. I don't know. Or maybe I was just expecting it to be so much more. It's definitely not my favorite movie.

I still didn't get into my routine, which makes me mad. I wasted yet another day. I got caught up in a solution for a new design for my movie blog. I wanted to try a gallery view. It's being difficult but I'm halfway there. That took, up the majority of my day. The rest of the day I went to pick up Courtney. Worked on some more coding, and then tried to watch The Nines. I thought it would be better. It wasn't able to capture my attention. I had to switch movies, and I'm one of those people who have to finish a movie even if I don't like it. I hope to try again later. It sounded really interesting. I ended up watching Step Up 3. Music was amazazing! I loved that movie. It could have been better, and definitely wasn't as good as the others but I have to admit that I loved it.

After that it was Nine Lives of Cloe King. Now it was definitely not something that I expected. It was so much more! I loved it!!! It's now officially one of my favorite shows. I like how original the storyline is. I didn't want it to end and when it did I wanted to see the next episode immediately. I want to read the book now, so I can get ahead of the TV show and see what happens next. My sister has recently bought the book and I'm contemplating stealing it from her. LOL. JK I'll be reading it immediately after her though.

Now here I am wondering what happened to my day. I had so much planned. I hope to get my schedule worked out tomorrow and get caught up with these blog posts. Maybe begin my workout schedule and plan out the rest of my week. I have lots to do. Maybe more than I can fit in my 3 week break. We'll see. I'm certainly gonna try.

By the way, it just so happens to be the first day of summer. yay. Hot days in the blistering heat. woohoo.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

Super Amazing

I had another mishap with my alarm and slept in late. Not as late as I did two days ago, but I slept late enough to regret it. I've been pretty tired all day. I wasted away the morning looking at different links and trailers on the web. I was supposed to be completing more of my blog but I got distracted. I wanted to see when Haven came on, and that led to me looking for other summer shows, which led to sneak peeks at this fall's new shows. There are some pretty awesome shows coming out this year. Here's a list of some that I plan on watching (click the titles to see the trailers).

I especially can't wait for the ones centered on fairy tales. I don't know what it is about fantasy and fairy tales but I just can't get enough of them!

I went out to eat with my mom and sis, and was supposed to see Super 8 then, but we had to wait for my dad. Everyone had already seen it but me so I didn't see why we had to wait but it was totally worth it. Super 8 was amazing! I can't believe anyone would say anything bad about that movie! I was surprised at how little the alien was in the movie, but the comedy the kids provided, their dumb actions throughout the film (especially with the spasmodic stoner) were hilarious and my favorite parts of the movie. Their film was a hoot, though I think that with the pyromaniac on their team the explosion could have been so much cooler. The end was pretty good. I was a little mad that they made the alien out to be a bad guy, killing and eating people, and in the end a kid was able to get through to it. It just brings up conflicting emotions. I want to hate it because it ate people, relatives and friends, but at the same time I felt sorry for it because it was just a cornered creature longing for escape and home. I don't know. The rest of the movie was awesome.

In between eating out and watching the movie I saw the season premiere of Falling Skies with my sis. I don't know what to think of the show. It reminds me of Skyline mixed with War of the Worlds and a couple of other alien movies. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure how it is going to do as a series. I'm not confident in its ability to hold my attention for that long. V certainly didn't, despite my sporadic longing to catch up with the show. I think I'm gonna complete my night with Teen Wolf and posting some to this blog, and then go to bed. I plan on making plans tomorrow and starting my summer routine. Maybe even watching Green Hornet. ;D

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

One Sunday Afternoon

Well, I guess I shouldn't have stayed up so late after watching Green Lantern. I had a hard time waking up Sunday morning, especially since I had to get up at 7am for church.

Church was fun as usual. Brookes is hilarious. There was this rap video about the life of a dad that was so embarrassing it was hilarious. I'll have to find it on the Internet and share it cuz it just cracked me up!

The rest of the day was devoted to Father's Day. We had steak, baked potatoes, mushrooms, and seasoned butter. Chocolate cake was for dessert, which was absolutely delicious.

We watched Under the Mountain for dinner, which I really like. I saw it earlier this year on Netflix. Anywho. Then me n my sis went to the mall, she drove (*yikes* lol), and I was able to catch up on my Father's Day shopping. I know, it's sad that I was shopping for Father's Day on Father's Day but this past quarter left me no free time, at least when finals came around.

As for everything in between... I have to admit that I spent a couple of hours trying to reach the OCD of Fisty's Bog in World of Goo. I've almost gotten the entire first world's worth of OCD. Just 2-3 more and I'm moving on to world 2. ;D I know. Weird. But that game's addicting. I also managed to catch up on a few more TV shows including Covert Affairs, Nine Lives of Cloe King, and Being Human. Nine Lives of Cloe King has officially become one of my favorites. My sister bought the book and is already almost done. I get it after her and can't wait to find out what happens next. From what I've heard the book is completely different and I'm kind of glad. There are some things the TV show portrays better. Of course, I was planning on finishing Beastly first. I like the movie a whole lot better. Though I was happy to see that the traditional Beauty and the Beast had a more influential role in his transformation. He was more of the traditional beast than what was portrayed in the movie. But, then again, I kind of liked the movie's interpretation. It was different. Refreshing even.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

P.S. Here's that hilarious Father's Day video we saw in church. Enjoy!

Superhero Saturday

Defying the rumors that I had heard, Green Lantern was awesome! The story line was interesting despite the method they used to switch between the villain and the hero. The special effects were great despite the fact that some of them were overdone (often looking fake). I'm not too picky about that though. The mask still bothered me! (My sister mentioned that the reason it bothered her was the fact that it extended to the tip of his nose. I looked closely and it is rather an odd thing for a mask to do!) I wish they hadn't used it altogether. He should have just had glowing eyes or the mask should have been more Venetian in shape. Still loved the movie though despite its few flaws. Wow I say despite a lot. Can't wait for the next one! Sometimes I'm glad I wasn't that into the comic versions of all these Marvel or comic book movies. I'm not as easily disappointed like their many die-hard fans.

As for the rest of my day, I spent most of it looking for this cute little robot who loves photography, Danbo. I now have a database of pictures of him on my computer. In fact, I love him so much that I decided to share his pics on this blog site! I spent the rest of the day updating this blog. During that time I added a new section to the sidebar with a Flickr widget I found. It's connected to the ❤ Danbo Love ❤ group's Flickr Feed.

All day I kept saying that I would break and play World Of Goo but I never did. I kept getting sidetracked. I was, however, able to catch up on some TV shows. I slept in really late. I guess my body had to make up for the past couple days' lack of sleep. Finals were brutal.

Overall it was a more productive day than I had originally intended. I wanted to read for most of it but that didn't happen. I still need to finish unpacking. Otherwise, it's good to be home. I've missed my dog-dog. My m-m. M&M sure does emit one foul odor though. I don't know how that dog does it... I don't think I want to know either.

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.

Let's Try This Again

Well the first day of my summer vacation didn't turn out like I thought it would. Of, course, it was also depressing because my roomie was moving out. Luckily my other roomie was moving to my room so I don't have to worry about living with someone new. At least not in my room anyways. I have lost two more roomies... so depressing.

Anywho... The day started off with me sleeping in. I had watched a movie with my roomie and was up until 2am. Which wasn't a good idea since I had done an all-nighter the previous night which made my sick. After only an 1hr and 20min of sleep the day before I shouldn't have stayed up so late so soon. But I did want to hang with my roomie before I left. She'll be graduating this upcoming quarter. Depressing.

Then I went to BK with my roomie that's moving out. It was delicious. I wish we could have done more but she had to finish homework before class. Still had fun even if it was brief. I then took her to school and picked my other roomie up. We went to Rita's for gelattis. It was delicious and this time they finally had root beer.

Unfortunately, by the time I took her back to school, got gas, and then got back to the apartment it only left me an hour to pack. I was supposed to see Green Lantern with the family but I would have had to have left by 4. I didn't end up leaving until 7pm. Which means I didn't get home til LATE.

But I'm finally home and ready for relaxation. I slept in til 11am. I guess my body needed to recharge after the past couple days. Can't wait to watch Green Lantern, read, get new music, get new movies, redesign and update some web sites and blogs, and get a new haircut. Among other things. It's gonna be a long summer since my summer to-do list goes on, and on, and on... But there's a bunch of fun stuff in there so I think I'll be able to make a dent, however small, this summer in my never-ending to-do list. Wish me luck! Hopefully this summer I'll be able to keep up better with this blog. I plan on it anyways. It's on my list!

Stayed tuned for more of my random summer adventures. Peace. Out.